The 12 unwritten rules of travelling and why do they matter?

The 12 unwritten rules of travelling and why do they matter?

Travel & Blogging Hacks
Each industry has its own unwritten rules, and the travel industry is not an exception. As a traveller, you become acquainted with it after your first few trips. How many times haven't you ended up chatting with a fellow countryman in some faraway country? Do you still remember the first time you tried saying Como llego a este lugar somewhere in central America but forgot the sentence and mumbled something incomprehensible instead? We've all been there and this is how the unwritten rules of travelling were born. As we agreed on the existence of the unwritten rules of travelling we should ask ourselves why do they matter? Well, first of all, the unwritten rules of travelling matter because they make all travellers out there selfless and more caring people. By…
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How much money does it cost to visit the most beautiful places on Earth?

How much money does it cost to visit the most beautiful places on Earth?

Travel & Blogging Hacks
How much it costs to visit the most beautiful places on Earth? If you are a travel aficionado, you must have asked yourself this question at least once. Visiting the most beautiful places on Earth is the ultimate goal of every traveller. Most of us out there have long travel lists we happily write off every time we return home from holiday. Since travelling requires sometimes significant (financial) resources, let's have a look at how much it actually costs to visit the most beautiful places on Earth. To answer this question you need to consider several aspects. Write a list with the most beautiful places on Earth you want to visit! Before everything, you will need to assess, which are the most beautiful places on the planet for you. Many…
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The Next Epic Trip Blog: How everything started?

The Next Epic Trip Blog: How everything started?

Travel & Blogging Hacks
Postponing my sabbatical 2020 would have marked the beginning of my sabbatical year. I would have quit my corporate job to adventure into the unknown. Ever since I started travelling (in my early twenties), I always dreamt of having a sabbatical, so I can fully enjoy the experience of travelling. Like most of you out there, I was never happy with the amount of annual leave I was entitled to. That's because it always felt like there was never enough time to properly enjoy a place. I was always rushing to squeeze as much as I could into my tiny holiday abroad. Booking night or very early flights so that I have more time for visiting was something I always did. But it never felt enough. On top of that,…
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