How to plan a budget trip to Scotland in summer?

How to plan a budget trip to Scotland in summer?

Europe, Plan Your Next Epic Trip, United Kingdom
Are you planning a budget trip to Scotland in summer? Are you afraid Scotland might be out of reach because prices go up during the tourist peak season? As a low-budget traveller, I understand your concerns. I went through the same thought process before booking my travel tickets and accommodation for a 3 weeks holiday to Scotland in August.  Scotland is not a cheap country to travel to, more so in summer during the tourist peak season. However, there are a few tricks you can implement to bring down your travel budget. And this is what I would like to share with you in this blog post.  In August 2021, I went on an 18 days trip to Scotland and got to visit the many amazing places this country has…
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A guide for travellers pet sitting the first time

A guide for travellers pet sitting the first time

Nomadic Lifestyle Tips, Travel & Blogging Hacks
I decided to prepare a guide for travellers considering pet sitting for the first time after completing my first pet sitting experience.  After going through the whole process, I realised there are aspects I should have looked into more. Hopefully, this simple guide will help beginner pet sitters understand pet sitting better than I did at the time.  (more…)
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